Caloric Calculator
While in my graduate studies, I was brought on to manage the implementation of a web tool that synthesized evidence on effective childhood obesity interventions. Grant-funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the project required an extensive review of the evidence, identifying quantifiable estimates on the impact of a policy change on caloric consumption, and frequent feedback sessions and presentations to stakeholders and experts in the field.
For the web tool development, I managed the process working closely with a web programmer; designed the logo and provided input on design, layout, usability testing; and ultimately, managed the live launch ( I was also responsible for strategizing and overseeing a media campaign for our entry into the American Journal of Preventive Medicine's (AJPM) Childhood Obesity Challenge. Our Caloric Calculator entry was awarded 2nd place out of 107 entries.
An accompanying manuscript, "The Caloric Calculator: Average Caloric Impact of Childhood Obesity Interventions," was also published in AJPM, which describes the methodology and policy implications in detail.
Logo designed using Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator.