Underused Vaccines Globally
In 2008, there were 8.8 million deaths among children under the age of 5. The World Health Organization estimates that nearly 1.5 million of these deaths could have been averted using vaccines, making them some of the most cost-effectives public health interventions available.
As part of my work as a Communication in Health and Epidemiology Fellowship at Columbia University, I wrote a long-form piece on the confluence of the work of pharmaceutical/biotechnology companies and non-governmental organizations in the world of vaccine development.
From October 2014 to February 2015, I interviewed individuals to better understand the complex factors at play in the field. Instead of the black-and-white coverage of Big Pharma versus more philanthropic-oriented players, pitting them against one another, the article provides a more comprehensive story of current activities and movements in the field. The piece was published in April 2015 and may be viewed on the2x2project.org, as well as here.
Accompanying the piece is this infographic I developed to illustrate the the top vaccine-preventable deaths killing children under the age of 5 globally. The full infographic may be viewed here.
Designed using Piktochart.